Friday, August 23, 2019

The Impact of Trauma and Urban Poverty on Family Systems Research Paper

The Impact of Trauma and Urban Poverty on Family Systems - Research Paper Example Poverty will translate to the family being unable to meet their daily needs, parents will be unable to have control over the family, and quarrels and misunderstandings are likely to occur. Poverty has been blamed for many cases of breakup in families because everyone wants to go his or her own way to find a favorable life. Poverty affects a child’s physical development in that the poor family cannot afford proper nutrition to foster the growth of the child. Poor families will only afford meals once or twice in a day, and for a child to grow, proper nutrition is necessary. Poverty also means that the family will not be able to  access proper medical attention and in case of sickness, inferior treatment methods will be used, and the child’s health will deteriorate hence undermining proper physical development (Eamon, 2001). Poor quality housing because of poverty can contribute to frequent illnesses in children because they may be living in dirty environments, and this stunts physical development. Proper nutrition is imperative for the development of cognitive capabilities and since with poverty comes poor nutrition, the children in the poor families will be malnourished. Being malnourished implies that body organs will lack sufficient energy for body organs and tissues to be healthy and functional. If the body organs and tissues do not function properly, this translates to poor cognitive capabilities since the body cannot respond satisfactorily to external factors. This is because illnesses are likely to set in the child’s body hence causing a holdup in the cognitive development of the child.

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