Saturday, August 10, 2019

Evaluate the leadership of Steve Jobs Assignment

Evaluate the leadership of Steve Jobs - Assignment Example His, was a much-admired achievement, abate the extreme nature of his interaction and leadership. The result of his tenacity and visionary path was the unveiling of different products and services, which have further endeared Apple Inc., as a firm-entity, to consumers globally. Steve Jobs was a great influential figure of not only the past century, providing a platform for future leaders and visionary leaders. This is seen best, in his nurture of Apple Inc., from the small start-up venture it was, to the current global leader it is today. In the paper, focus will be placed on his early life and personality, in addition to his leadership at Apple Inc. both before and after his humiliating ouster from his creation. There will also be a discussion of his unique leadership style and management, in reference to existing theory and practice as found within contemporary society. The paper will also delve into his unique characteristics and personality traits. Finally, his contribution to society, especially in the Information Technology industry will be discussed in summation; concerning leadership and management. Steve Jobs, as an American inventor, entrepreneur and marketer, was responsible for the co-founding and ascend of Apple Inc., into the global success story it is today. He, as Simon and Young (2005) provide, was both the Chairman and CEO of the firm-entity, despite the tough times faced from the team present within the corporation’s boardrooms. His personality and role-play, was more of both a leader and manager as his rich entrepreneurial history provide. During 1985, when he briefly left Apple, founding neXT, a computer platform development firm, specializing in business and higher education markets. From then, just before going back to Apple Inc., he engaged in different ventures i.e. acquiring Lucas film’s computer

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