Friday, August 23, 2019

Catholic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Catholic - Research Paper Example All these enable them to say consecrated in order to experience a deeper sense of spirituality (Laurent 116). The Catholic Church sticks strictly to its rituals. An infant born to a catholic mother gets its introduction to the catholic faith and rituals at an early age. This is usually through infant baptism. A few months after birth, infants undergo baptism and receive Christian names. The catholic baptism involves washing of the head with water and not full immersion into water as other religions do (O’Grady 157). As the infants grow up, they receive stepwise introduction to the catholic belief and teachings. Before the age of ten, they are able to recite most of the common prayers and liturgies. Towards the early teenage, these children enroll in catechism classes whereby they receive a deeper teaching on all values and rituals observed during the catholic worship. It is upon their understanding and appreciation of such that they attain baptism out of their own initiative a t this age. Later, they get confirmed after more catechism classes accompanied by usual practice of what they learn. After baptism confirmation, they can now celebrate mass just like other mature catholic devotees (O’Grady 161). There is a specific order that the Christians follow in their worship. In every step of the worship, there are rituals that they observe (O’Grady 7). ... In some occasions, the priest proceeds to carry out the rite of blessing that involves sprinkling of the people with water symbolic of their baptism. In other cases, the priest may opt for the penitential rite that involves expression of guilt over their transgressions. The Kyrie, Gloria acclamations then follow on all Sundays except during lent, and advent. The liturgy of the word then follows. This involves two readings separated by a relevant responsorial psalm. After the two readings, the entire group rises up to sing the Gospel acclamation. The gospel proclamation by the priest then follows. After the gospel proclamation, a sermon follows referred to as the homily and during this time the people take their seats. After the homily, the people indulge in a profession of their faith by reciting the apostles ‘or Nicene creed. Liturgy of the Eucharist follows and this begins with presentation of gifts and then preparation of the altar (O’Grady 164). The priest prays over the gifts and then goes on to lead the Eucharistic prayer. The worshippers recite the holy acclamation, then the memorial and then the priest recites the doxology and the worshippers respond in a massive ‘Amen’. The worshippers are now ready to partake of the communion ritual. It starts with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer followed by the sign of peace and then the breaking of bread. After breaking of the bread, they partake of the Holy Communion. After receiving of the communion, the people kneel for silent individual prayers. During the communion, relevant songs prevail and the priests lead a prayer after the communion. After this, announcements may follow and then the conclusion rite with the priest saying a prayer and wishing the people peace (O’Grady 147). The catholic calendar of

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